Type: Renovation
Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Year: 2023-2024
Collaborators: Waldmann Architekten
Client: Private
Key Materials: Wood, mineral wool, steel, zinc, plaster, tiles, linoleum

The house, built in the early 20th century, has undergone comprehensive energy-efficient renovation. The building's systems were modernized, the gable facade insulated, and the exterior plaster restored to heritage standards. The roof was insulated, newly covered, and fitted with a terrace and three large dormers in close coordination with the heritage office. Today, the house accommodates several shared apartments and a rooftop unit. The project was supported by KfW (German Development Bank) as an "Effizienzhaus Denkmal"

To protect and preserve.

Respecting and preserving existing structures is a fundamental aspect of our understanding of sustainability.

To become one.

Found elements are complemented and highlighted, creating a new unity and a unique character.

Low effort - high impact.

Focusing on the essential tasks saves materials/resources. With minimal effort, the house was made ready for the next stage of its life.

The significance of adequate lightning

High spatial quality in the previously cramped and dark attic is created by the strategically placed dormers, roof windows and the rooftop terrace.